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Join us for this talk exploring Neurodiversity and links to creativity.  Did you know some of the greatest artists were Autistic?  Artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Vincent van Gogh.

Susannah Cavill is a multimedia artist who along with most of her family, is neurodivergent. In this talk Susannah explores the methods of artists who work with their neurodiversity in order to be productive. For some artists this means using their neurodiversity to their advantage, other times it is a way to manage the challenges of being neurodiverse in a world that isn’t set up for them! Autism spectrum disorder (which includes what was formerly known as Asperger's syndrome) is one of several conditions that fall under the broad term "neurodiveristy," although it is not the only one. Neurodiversity also includes, but isn’t limited to dyslexia, ADHD, and dyscalculia as well as a range of sensory processing disorders. It is estimated that 20% of the adult population in the UK is neurodiverse. Many adults are undiagnosed.

This talk aims to think about some ways we can all access our creativity, whether living with neurodiversity ourselves or supporting others with their challenges.


Artists and Neurodiversity